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How to Calculate Cylinder Quantities

We receive a lot of questions revolving around gaseous fire suppression systems however one of the most common is "how many cylinders does a room require?"

We've therefore gone ahead and made a free to use online calculation tool.

By simply inputting the protected enclosure's volume, the tool will calculate how much extinguishing agent is require and in turn advise how many cylinders of each size would be needed.

There are some additional design parameters that may effect the quantity such as temperature and altitude compensation however the tool has been based on the most common inputs, 20°C and <100m in elevation. The tool is used for estimation purposes a competent contractor will need to be engaged to verify final quantities (or simply drop us an email!).

Gas Cylinder Calculation Tool

Use Cases

1.) Consultants can use the tool as a starting point when preparing specifications

2.)End Users can use the tool to get a rough idea of how much space is required to house the fire suppression system

3.) The tool can be used during surveys to guide the customer there and then on possible cylinder locations

4.) Installation teams can use the tool to verify designs during installation

5.) Service engineers can use the tool to verify extinguishing agent quantities during regular PPM visits or system take overs.

6.) Room Integrity Testing operatives can use the the tool to verify design concentrations and cylinder quantities


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